Website Browser Viewer

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  1. Web Browser Viewer
  2. Website Browser Viewer App
  3. Pdf Viewer Browser
BrowsingHistoryView v2.45 - View browsing history of your Web browsers
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020 Nir Sofer

See Also

Ctrl + F1 will open the default browser. Alternatively you can hit Ctrl + shift + P to open command window and select 'View in Browser'. The html code must be saved in a file (unsaved code on the editor - without extension, doesn't work). NEW: Website Monitoring with TeamViewer. Monitor, analyze and improve your website's uptime, page load speeds and important transactions with TeamViewer Web Monitoring – our new and integrated website monitoring solution. Turn visitors into customers by providing them with the best possible user experience. To view the source code of a web page in Mozilla Firefox, use any of the following methods. View source code only. To view only the source code, press Ctrl+U on your computer's keyboard. Right-click a blank part of the web page and select View Page Source from the pop-up menu that appears. View page source with elements.

  • Opera is blocked by several websites that aren't familiar with this web browser, especially very old and out-of-date websites that haven't been updated to the most recent browser standards. Also, Opera doesn't have any form of web blocking or parental controls by default, but you can add these via add-ons.
  • BrowsingHistoryView is a utility that reads the history data of different Web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table.


BrowsingHistoryView is a utility that reads the history data of different Web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera)and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table.The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile.BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to getthe browsing history from external hard drive.
You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

Versions History

  • Version 2.45:
    • Added 'Display QR Code' option (Under the View menu): When it's turned on, QR Code of the selected URL is displayed in the lower pane, and you can use QR Code Reader app on your Smartphone to instantly open the URL in the Web browser of your Smartphone.
  • Version 2.41:
    • Fixed the /cfg command-line option to load the .cfg file from the current directory if full path is not specified.
  • Version 2.40:
    • Added new date/time filter: 'Load history items from the following time range and date range (separately)'. For example. You can search browsing history items that their modified date is between 01/01/2019 - 01/01/2020 and their modified time is between 02:00 - 04:00.
  • Version 2.36:
    • Added button on the toolbar to delete Chrome / Firefox history records.
  • Version 2.35:
    • Added 'Delete Selected History Records' option (Ctrl+Delete), which allows you to delete individual history records of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers (Including Web browsers that use the same history database of Chrome/Firefox, like Waterfox, SeaMonkey, Vivaldi, and so on.)
    • Other Web browsers are not supported.
  • Version 2.30:
    • Added new columns: 'History File' and 'Record ID'.
  • Version 2.26:
    • Added 'Double-Click Action' option, which allows you to choose what to do when you double-click on history item - Open properties window or open the URL in Web browser.
  • Version 2.25:
    • Added support for Waterfox Web browser.
  • Version 2.21:
    • Added option to specify the time range in local time (Instead of GMT).
  • Version 2.20:
    • BrowsingHistoryView now automatically detects the Chromium-based Edge Web browser.
  • Version 2.17:
    • You can now specify environment variables in the history files of the 'Load history from the specified history files' option.
  • Version 2.16:
    • Fixed to work with Firefox 61.0
  • Version 2.15:
    • Added support for Pale Moon Web browser.
  • Version 2.12:
    • Added new options to the 'Quick Filter' feature.
  • Version 2.11:
    • The remote computer name ('Load history from remote computer' option ) is now saved in the .cfg file.Also, you can set the remote computer from command-line with /ComputerName command-line option.
  • Version 2.10:
    • Added new option: 'Automatically stop the cache task of IE10/IE11/Edge for unlocking the database file.' If this option is turned on - BrowsingHistoryView automatically stops the 'CacheTask' Scheduled task to unlock the database file of IE10/IE11/Edge (WebCacheV01.dat).
    • When you use the 'Load history from remote computer' option, BrowsingHistoryView will stop the 'CacheTask' Scheduled task on the remote computer, so you'll be able to viewthe history of IE10/IE11/Edge remotely.
  • Version 2.05:
    • Added 'Load history from remote computer' option in 'Advanced Options' window.Be aware that this option works only when you have full admin access to the remote computer. Also, the history of IE10/IE11 is only available before the user logged-on to the system, because after the log-on the history database of IE10/IE11 is locked.
    • Fixed bug: 'Copy Selected Items' worked improperly when setting the 'Unicode/Ascii Save Mode' to 'Always UTF-8'.
  • Version 2.00:
    • Added 'Visit Type' column for Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. (Link, Typed URL, Bookmark, and so on)
  • Version 1.95:
    • Added 'Quick Filter' feature (View -> Use Quick Filter or Ctrl+Q). When it's turned on, you can type a string in the text-box added under the toolbar and BrowsingHistoryView will instantly filter the history table, showing only lines that contain the string you typed.
  • Version 1.91:
    • Fix bug: When using /SaveDirect command-line option, the file was always saved according to the default encoding, instead of using the selected encoding in Options -> Save File Encoding.
  • Version 1.90:
    • Added support for Vivaldi Web browser.
    • When 'Load history from the specified profiles folder' option is selected, the folders combo-box is filled withthe profiles folders stored in shadow copies of your hard drive. When loading history from shadow copies, you may find history items older than what you can find in your current system.
  • Version 1.87:
    • Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.
    • Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView crashed when using the find option while the last item was selected.
  • Version 1.86:
    • You can now choose the desired encoding (ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16) to save the csv/xml/text/html files. (Under the Options menu)
  • Version 1.85:
    • Added new option to the 'Advanced Options' window: Load only URLs contain one of the specified strings (comma-delimited list).
    • Added new option to the 'Advanced Options' window: Don't load URLs that contain one of the specified strings (comma-delimited list).
  • Version 1.81:
    • The 'Web Browser' column now displays 'Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge' for items of IE10/IE11/Edge (In previous versions it displayed 'Internet Explorer 10')
  • Version 1.80:
    • Added support for Yandex Web browser.
  • Version 1.77:
    • The properties window is now larger and resizable.
  • Version 1.76:
    • Added option to skip duplicate URLs that their visit time difference is less than xx seconds. (In 'Advanced Options' window)Sometimes, A web browser may record a Web page visit multiple times with a difference of a few seconds, even when the Web page was visited only once. This option allows you to hide these duplicate history records.
  • Version 1.75:
    • Added support for Microsoft Edge/Project Spartan (On Windows 10).
    • Fixed issue: When Internet Explorer 10/11 was opened by multiple users, BrowsingHistoryView displayed all history records of IE 10/11 multiple times.
  • Version 1.71:
    • Fixed issue: When loading large amount of history items, some actions, like selecting items and copying selected items to the clipboard were very slow.
  • Version 1.70:
    • Added 'Typed Count' column (Only relevant to Chrome Web browser).
  • Version 1.69:
    • Fixed issue: On some systems, BrowsingHistoryView failed to read the history of IE10/IE11 from WebCacheV01.dat
  • Version 1.68:
    • BrowsingHistoryView now detects the portable version of Firefox if it's running in the background.
  • Version 1.67:
    • Added 'URL Length' column.
  • Version 1.66:
    • Added 'Load history items from the last xx minutes' to the 'Advanced Options' window.
    • Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.
  • Version 1.65:
    • Added support for Opera (Version 15 or later).
  • Version 1.60:
    • Added 'Browser Profile' column, which displays the folder name of the Web browser profile (For Firefox and Chrome Web browsers).
  • Version 1.55:
    • Added 'Save Configuration To File' and 'Load Configuration From File' options.
  • Version 1.52:
    • Fixed bug: When getting history information from a remote computer and both local computer and remote computer have IE10 or IE11, BrowsingHistoryView displayed the IE10/IE11 history of the local computer. (Be aware that BrowsingHistoryView cannot display the IE10/IE11 history ofa remote computer while the WebCacheV01.dat file on the remote computer is locked)
  • Version 1.51:
    • Fixed to find the correct item when typing the string you want to search into the main List View.
  • Version 1.50:
    • Added 'Load history from the specified history files' option in the 'Advanced Options' window.
  • Version 1.44:
    • Fixed bug from v1.43: BrowsingHistoryView stopped working on Windows 2000.
  • Version 1.43:
    • Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings.
  • Version 1.42:
    • Added /cfg command-line option, which instructs BrowsingHistoryView to use a config file in another location instead if the default config file, for example:
      BrowsingHistoryView.exe /cfg '%AppData%BrowsingHistoryView.cfg'
  • Version 1.41
    • Fixed a bug with displaying IDN URLs (URLs containing non-English characters) from Firefox history.
  • Version 1.40
    • Added new data source in the 'Advanced Options' window: Load history from the specified custom folders.In this option, you can select the correct AppData folder, Local AppData folder, and the History folder of the profileyou want to inspect.
  • Version 1.36
    • Fixed the problem with the 'Advanced Options' window on Windows 2000.
  • Version 1.35
    • Added 'Show Advanced Options On Start' option. You can turn off this option if you don't want that the 'Advanced Options' window will appear on every timethat you run BrowsingHistoryView.
  • Version 1.33
    • Improved the detection of AppData and Local AppData folders when reading the history from external drive.
  • Version 1.32
    • Added secondary sorting: When clicking the 'Web Browser' column header, the list is sorted by the 'Web Browser' column, and thenby the 'Visit Time' column.
  • Version 1.31
    • Added option to get the history from Internet Explorer API, instead of reading the file directly. (Available only when loading the history of the current user).
  • Version 1.30
    • Added improved support for Internet Explorer 10, which works smoothly and doesn't require to run BrowsingHistoryView as administrator.There is no need to execute BrowsingHistoryView with any additinal command-line option in order to read the locked file of IE10 (WebCacheV24.dat or WebCacheV01.dat), and the /UseVolumeShadowCopy command-line option addedon v1.15 was removed from this version.
      Be aware that during browsing on IE10, you may get corrupted history result, because the database is not fully flushed to the disk.
      Also, be aware that BrowsingHistoryView cannot read a locked IE10 file on a remote network system.
  • Version 1.27
    • Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView failed to load Firefox profile located on a drive letter which is different from the drive letter where the Windows profiles (c:users .) are located.
    • Fixed the flickering appeared while scrolling the history items.
  • Version 1.26
    • Fixed bug: When exporting browser history data with /SaveDirect command-line option, BrowsingHistoryViewadded byte order mark of Unicode, while the file was saved as Ascii.
  • Version 1.25
    • BrowsingHistoryView now reads the history of all profiles from Chrome and Chrome Canary Web browsers.
  • Version 1.21
    • Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView displayed corrupted URLs from partially deleted records of Internet Explorer history file.
  • Version 1.20
    • Added support for Chrome Canary and SeaMonkey Web browsers.
    • Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
  • Version 1.16
    • Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView failed to read some of the history items of Internet Explorer 10.
  • Version 1.15
    • Added support for Internet Explorer 10 (WebCacheV24.dat or WebCacheV01.dat). There are some limitations and problems with this version of Internet Explorer. See the 'Internet Explorer 10 Support' section for more information.
  • Version 1.10
    • Added 'Visited From' column (Only for Firefox and Chrome), which displays the URL that the user has visited prior to the Web page specified under the URL column.
  • Version 1.06
    • Fixed BrowsingHistoryView to display the Web page title for Internet Explorer Web browser.
  • Version 1.05
    • Added 'Copy URLs' option (Ctrl+U)
    • Added 'Open URL In Web Browser' option.
  • Version 1.01
    • BrowsingHistoryView now reads the profiles.ini file of Firefox to get the correct profile folders.
  • Version 1.00 - First release.

System Requirements

This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000, and up to Windows 10.Both 32-bit and x64 systems are supported.

The following Web browsers are supported:

  • Internet Explorer (Version 4.00 and greater)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Version 3.00 and greater)
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera (Version 15 or later, which is based on Chrome Web browser)

Known Limitations and Problems

  • 'Visit Count' on Internet Explorer Web browser:The 'Visit Count' column is taken 'as is' from the history file of Internet Explorer.Unfortunately, Internet Explorer tend to extremely bloat the 'Visit Count' number, which means that you cannot assume that the'Visit Count' number represents the actual number of times that the user visited the specified Web site.This remark is only relevant for Internet Explorer. Other Web browsers count the number of visits properly, as far as I know.
  • Limitations and problems with reading the history of IE10, IE11 and Microsoft Edge:Version 10 and 11 of Internet Explorer stores the history data inside WebCacheV01.dat, and this file is locked by the operating system most of the time, even when IE is closed.
    In order to unlock the history database file, you should turn on the 'Automatically stop the cache task of IE10/IE11/Edge' option.If you use the 'Load history from remote computer' option - BrowsingHistoryView will stop the cache task of IE10/IE11/Edge on the specified remote system, so you'll be able to see the history of IE10/IE11/Edge remotely.

Start Using BrowsingHistoryView

BrowsingHistoryView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it,simply run the executable file - BrowsingHistoryView.exe

After you run BrowsingHistoryView, the 'Advanced Options' window is displayed. By default, BrowsingHistoryView offers you to load the history of all Web browsers and all user profiles in the last 10 days,but you can change the options according to your needs.

Web Browser Viewer

After pressing 'Ok' in the 'Advanced Options' window, BrowsingHistoryView loads and displays the browsing history according to theoptions you chose.

The 'Advanced Options' Window

  • Filter by visit date/time:Allows you to load the history from the last number of days/hours, or from specific date/time range.
  • Web Browsers:BrowsingHistoryView will load the history only from the selected Web browsers.For example, if you want to only get the browsing history of Internet Explorer, then you need to select the 'Internet Explorer' check-box and deselect all others.
  • Load history from:Allows you to choose the data source of the browsing history:
    • Load history from the current running system (All users):If you choose this option, BrowsingHistoryView scans all the user profiles on your system (C:Documents and Settings or C:Users)and loads the history data from them.
      Be aware that the Registry file of every user profile (NTUSER.DAT)should be readable, because BrowsingHistoryView uses the Registry file to locate the correct history file/folder of every Web browser.If BrowsingHistoryView cannot read NTUSER.DAT, it'll try to locate the correct folders in other less reliable ways.
    • Load history from the current running system (Only current user):If you choose this option, BrowsingHistoryView loads only the browsing history of the current logged-on user.
    • Load history from the specified profiles folder:If you choose this option, BrowsingHistoryView scans all the user profiles under the specified folder. The specified folder should be something like H:Documents and Settings (On Windows XP) or H:Users (On Windows 7/2008/Vista/8).
      Be aware that the Registry file of every user profile (NTUSER.DAT)should be readable, because BrowsingHistoryView uses the Registry file to locate the correct history file/folder of every Web browser.If BrowsingHistoryView cannot read NTUSER.DAT, it'll try to locate the correct folders in other less reliable ways.
    • Load history from the specified profile:If you choose this option, BrowsingHistoryView loads the history from the specified profile folder.The specified profile folder should be something like H:Documents and SettingsAdministrator (On Windows XP) or H:UsersAdministrator (On Windows 7/2008/Vista/8).
    • Load history from the specified custom folders:If you choose this option, you should specify the following folders of the user profile you want to load:History (e.g: C:Usersuser01AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsHistory ), App Data (e.g: C:Usersuser01AppDataRoaming), Local App Data (e.g: C:Usersuser01AppDataLocal)
    • Load history from the specified history files:If you choose this option, you have to specify the history file of every Web browser that you want to load.
    • Load history from remote computer:Allows you to load the browsing history from remote computer on your network.Be aware that this option works only when you have full admin access to the remote computer. If you want to view the history of IE10/IE11/Edge Web browser, you have to turn on the following option: 'Automatically stop the cache task of IE10/IE11/Edge for unlocking the database file.'

Reading Older History From Shadow Copies

If your hard drive has one or more shadow copies, you can view the history stored inside these shadow copies byselecting the 'Load history from the specified profiles folder' option in the 'Advanced Options' window and then choosingthe desired shadow copy path (I'll be something like '?GLOBALROOTDeviceHarddiskVolumeShadowCopy2users') from the path combo-box.
Inside shadow copies you may find old history items that don't exist in the current system as well as history items there were deleted by clearing the Web browser history.
Be aware that the shadow copies feature only works starting from Windows Vista (XP is not supported).

Command-Line Options

BrowsingHistoryView.exe /cfg '%AppData%BrowsingHistoryView.cfg'
BrowsingHistoryView.exe /HistorySource 4 /HistorySourceFolder 'H:Documents and SettingsUser01' /stab 'c:temphistory.txt'
BrowsingHistoryView.exe /HistorySource 3 /HistorySourceFolder 'G:Documents and Settings' /VisitTimeFilterType 3 /VisitTimeFilterValue 10 /scomma 'c:temphistory.csv'
BrowsingHistoryView.exe /HistorySource 1 /LoadIE 1 /LoadFirefox 0 /LoadChrome 0 /LoadSafari 0 /shtml 'c:temphistory.html'
BrowsingHistoryView.exe /HistorySource 2 /VisitTimeFilterType 4 /VisitTimeFrom '01-01-2011 00:00:00' /VisitTimeTo '01-01-2012 00:00:00' /stab 'c:temphistory.txt'

Be aware that you can use any variable stored in tne .cfg file as command-line parameter, even if it's not specified in the above command-line list.

Translating BrowsingHistoryView to other languages

In order to translate BrowsingHistoryView to other language, follow the instructions below:
  1. Run BrowsingHistoryView with /savelangfile parameter:
    BrowsingHistoryView.exe /savelangfile
    A file named BrowsingHistoryView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of BrowsingHistoryView utility.
  2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
  3. Translate all string entries to the desired language.Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be used in the 'About' window.
  4. After you finish the translation, Run BrowsingHistoryView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file.
    If you want to run BrowsingHistoryView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder.


This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this and you don'tsell it or distribute it as a part of commercial product. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files inthe distribution package, without any modification !


The software is provided 'AS IS' without any warranty, either expressed or implied,including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental,consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.


If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to
/stab Save the browsing history into a tab-delimited text file.
/stabular Save the browsing history into a tabular text file.
/sverhtml Save the browsing history into HTML file (Vertical).
/sort This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column.If you don't specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface.The parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) orthe name of the column, like 'Title' and 'URL'.You can specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: '~Visit Time') if you want to sort in descending order.You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns.

BrowsingHistoryView.exe /shtml 'f:temphistory.html' /sort 2 /sort ~1
BrowsingHistoryView.exe /shtml 'f:temphistory.html' /sort 'URL' /sort 'Visit Time'

/SaveDirectSave the browsing history in SaveDirect mode. For using with the other save command-line options ( /scomma, /stab, /sxml, and so on.) When you use the SaveDirect mode, the history lines are saved directly to the disk, without loading them into the memory first. This means that you can save a list with large amount of history lines into your disk without any memory problem, as long as you have enough disk space to store the saved file. The drawback of this mode: You cannot sort the lines according to the column you choose with /sort command-line option.
/HistorySourceFolder Specifies the folder path if /HistorySource is 3 or 4.
/VisitTimeFilterType Specifies the type of date/time filter:
  • 1 - Load history from any date/time.
  • 2 - Load history from the last xx hours (xx specified in /VisitTimeFilterValue)
  • 3 - Load history from the last xx days (xx specified in /VisitTimeFilterValue)
  • 4 - Load history from the specified date/time range (The time range is specified in /VisitTimeFrom and /VisitTimeTo)
/VisitTimeFrom Specifies the date/time range when /VisitTimeFilterType is value must be in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy hh:nn:ss

For example:
BrowsingHistoryView.exe /VisitTimeFrom '10-01-2012 12:00:00' /VisitTimeTo '18-02-2012 10:00:00'

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BrowsingHistoryView is also available in other languages. In order to change the language of BrowsingHistoryView, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the 'browsinghistoryview_lng.ini', and put it in the same folder that you Installed BrowsingHistoryView utility.

LanguageTranslated ByDateVersion
Brazilian PortuguesePaulo Guzmán01/09/20182.17
BulgarianNider Karlov25/11/20202.45
CroatianTihomir Šibalić10/04/20202.40
CzechJakub Šindelář06/11/20172.10
DutchJan Verheijen22/10/20202.45
FrenchAlain NOGUES12/09/20121.01
German«Latino» auf WinTotal.de23/10/20202.45
HungarianTamás Ferenc15/06/20161.86
ItalianJaff (Oprea Nicolae)30/12/20182.17
PolishMariusz Kolacz20/05/20131.30
RomanianJaff (Oprea Nicolae)30/12/20182.17
RussianDmitry Yerokhin22/10/20202.45
Simplified ChineseDickMoore26/06/20202.40
SlovakFrantišek Fico27/10/20202.45
SpanishCarlos Sánchez13/12/20202.45
Traditional ChineseDanfong Hsieh23/10/20202.45
Traditional ChineseHulen (破滅刃)05/05/20131.30

Unclutter 2 1 19d download free. Every major Internet browser allows users to view the HTML source code of any web page they visit. The following sections contain information on the multiple ways to view the source code in each of the major browsers. To proceed, choose an entry from the list below and follow the instructions.

Introductory information

When viewing the source code of a web page, the information and code processed by the server won't appear. For example, a search engine processes information on a server and then displays the results on a web page. In other words, you can view the code that makes up the results page, but you cannot view the search engine's source code.

This rule applies to all server-side scripts, SSI, and programming code. Therefore, you cannot view a scripts source code used in search engines, forums, polls, chat, etc. Also, copying the information from the source code may cause errors or direct you back to the page from which you copied the information.

Google Chrome

To view the source code of a web page in Google Chrome, use any of the following methods.

View source code only

Method one

To view only the source code, press Ctrl+U on your computer's keyboard.

Method two

Right-click a blank part of the web page and select View page source from the pop-up menu that appears.

View page source with elements

  1. Open Chrome and navigate the web page whose source code you'd like to view.
  2. Click the Customize and control Google Chrome icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window.
  3. From the drop-down menu that appears, select More tools, then select Developer tools.
  4. Click the Elements tab in the top-left corner of the new section that appears at the bottom of the screen.

In Chrome, pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I also brings up the interactive developer tool. This tool provides much more interaction with the source code and CSS settings, allowing users to see how changes in the code affect the web page immediately.

Mozilla Firefox

To view the source code of a web page in Mozilla Firefox, use any of the following methods.

View source code only

Method one

Browser history viewer chrome

To view only the source code, press Ctrl+U on your computer's keyboard.

Method two

Right-click a blank part of the web page and select View Page Source from the pop-up menu that appears.

View page source with elements

  1. Open Firefox and navigate the web page whose source code you'd like to view.
  2. Click the Menu icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Web Developer in the drop-down menu, then select Toggle Tools from the expanded menu.
  4. Click the Inspector tab in the top-left corner of the section that appears at the bottom of the screen.

In Firefox, pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I also brings up the interactive developer tool. This tool provides interaction with the source code and CSS settings, allowing users to see how changes in the code affect the web page in real time.

View a section of the page's source code

Website Browser Viewer App

  1. Highlight the portion of a web page for which you'd like to view the source code.
  2. Right-click that highlighted section and select View Selection Source.

You can use the Firebug add-on to view and edit the source code of a page, and view the changes live through the browser.

Microsoft Edge

Widsmob panorama 3 15. To view the source code of a web page in Microsoft Edge, use any of the following methods.

View source code only

Method one

To view only the source code, press Ctrl+U on your computer's keyboard.

Method two

Right-click a blank part of the web page and select View page source from the pop-up menu that appears.

View page source with elements

  1. Open Microsoft Edge and navigate the web page whose source code you'd like to view.
  2. Click the Settings and more icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. Move your mouse over More tools in the drop-down menu, and select Developer tools from the expanded menu.
  4. Click the Elements tab at the top of the window that appears on the right side of the screen.

In Microsoft Edge, pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I also brings up the interactive developer tool. This tool provides interaction with the source code and CSS settings, allowing users to see how changes in the code affect the web page in real time.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

To view the source code of a web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer, use any of the following methods.

View source code only

Method one

To view only the source code, press Ctrl+U on your computer's keyboard.

Method two

Right-click a blank part of the web page and select View source from the pop-up menu that appears.

View page source with elements

  1. Open Internet Explorer and navigate the web page whose source code you'd like to view.
  2. Click Tools in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select F12 Developer Tools from the drop-down menu.
  1. Click the DOM Explorer tab at the top-left corner of the developer tools menu.

In Internet Explorer, pressing F12 brings up the DOM tool. This tool provides interaction with the source code and CSS settings, allowing users to see how changes in the code affect the web page immediately.


In Safari, viewing a webpage's source code requires you to enable the developer options. The following sections show you how to turn on this feature, and then how to view the source code of a web page.

Accessing developer options in Safari

  1. Open the Safari browser.
  2. Select from the menu bar at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. In the drop-down menu that appears, select Preferences.
  1. Click the Advancedtab, and check the box next to Show Develop menu in menu bar.
  1. You should now see the Develop selector in the Apple menu bar at the top of the screen.

Viewing the source code


Adobe premiere compatibility mac. You must have the developer options enabled for the following steps to work.

Method one

  1. Open Safari and navigate the web page whose source code you'd like to view.
  2. In the Apple menu bar at the top of the screen, click the Develop selector and choose Show Page Source from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the center of the screen, click the Elements tab at the top of the developer tools section.

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Method 2

Right-click a blank part of the web page and select Show Page Source from the pop-up menu that appears.


Once the developer options are enabled, you can also press Command+option+U to view the source code of a page.


To view the source code of a web page in Opera, use any of the following methods.

View source code only

Method one

To view only the source code, press Ctrl+U on your computer's keyboard.

Method two

Right-click a blank part of the web page and select Page source from the pop-up menu that appears.

View page source with elements

  1. Open Opera and navigate the web page whose source code you'd like to view.
  2. Click the Opera icon in the upper-left corner of the browser window.
  3. Move your mouse over Developer in the drop-down menu, and select Developer tools from the expanded menu.
  4. Click the Elements tab at the top of the window that appears on the right side of the screen.

If you don't see the Developer submenu, choose More toolsShow developer menu. Then, click the menu button again. You should now see the Developer entry listed.


In Opera, pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I also brings up the interactive developer tool. This tool provides interaction with the source code and CSS settings, allowing users to see how changes in the code affect the web page in real time.

Android phone or tablet using Chrome

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Open the web page whose source code you'd like to view.
  3. Tap once in the address bar and move the cursor to the front of the URL.
  4. Type view-source: and tap Enter or Go.

For example, to view the code for our homepage, you would type view-source:

If the steps above don't work on your Android phone, use the method in the iPhone or iPad using Safari section. The same code works on Android phones, the only differences are using Chrome instead of Safari, and the process to create and edit a bookmark.


If you find it difficult to navigate the source code on your mobile device using the method above, you may also want to consider an online tool.

iPhone or iPad using Safari

Viewing the source code of a web page on an iPhone or iPad takes a bit more work, but it is possible. The process requires you to create a bookmark, assign JavaScript code to it, and use the bookmark on a web page to view its source code.


If you'd prefer to use an app to view a web page's source code, you can download the free View Source app from the iOS App Store.

Create a bookmark to view source code

  1. Open the Safari browser on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Access any web page, such as
  3. Tap the More icon at the bottom of the screen.

You can also press and hold your finger on the Bookmark icon at the bottom of the screen until a menu appears.

  1. In the menu that opens, tap the Add Bookmark option.
  1. Tap in the bookmark name field, tap the x on the right side to clear the current name, and enter 'View web page source code' as the new name.
  1. Tap Save in the top-right corner to save the bookmark.
  2. Copy the entire JavaScript code snippet below.
  1. In Safari, access the bookmarks by tapping the bookmarks icon at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Find the bookmark you created above, then press and hold your finger on the bookmark until a menu opens at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap the Edit option on the menu.
  1. On the Edit Bookmark screen, tap the URL and then tap the x to clear the URL, then paste the JavaScript code from step 7 into the URL field.
  1. Tap Done at the bottom-right of the screen to save the bookmark changes.

Use a bookmark to view source code

After you've created the bookmark above, you can now view the source code for a web page.

  1. In Safari, access the web page where you want to view the source code.
  2. Tap the bookmarks icon at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Tap the View web page source code bookmark you created.

A new Safari browsing tab opens, displaying the source code for the web page.


If you have difficulties navigating the source code on your mobile device using the above method, you may also want to consider using an online tool.

How to close the source code page or tool

Once you're done viewing the source code on a web page, you may want to exit or close it. Closing the source code depends on the method you've used to open it.

  • If you've used the Ctrl+U method (except Edge) or the right-click method, close the new tab that opened at the top of your browser window.
  • If you've used the developer method (using F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I), press those same keys again, or click the icon in the upper-right corner of the tools window.

Use an online tool to view the source code

In addition to using a browser, there are several online tools that allow you to view the source code of any web page. These tools may be helpful because most can format, stylize, and highlight the code to make it easier to read. Best browser for gaming pc. Below is a short list of some of these tools:

Additional information

  • See our HTML validator and source code definition for further information.

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